Author Guidelines




  1. Article that will be published is related to community service activities that align with the journal's scope and focus.
  2. Article has not been published nor received to be published (accepted) in any other journals. 
  3. Article is written in Times New Roman font type, size 12, and margins 3.0 cm - all sides, on quarto paper (A4).
  4. Article is written in Bahasa Indonesia, or English may use various scientific terms.
  5. Article consists of 8-15 pages, including references and attachments.
  6. Article is attached with the author's originality statement (stating that the article is original and does not contain plagiarism elements).
  7. Article is submitted in Microsoft word type file to:



The article's title must be written in Bahasa Indonesia and English, be specific and compelling and consist of 15-20 words. The title should follow the following instruction:

  • Bahasa Indonesia: printed in all capital letters, bolded, using Times New Roman font, size 12, and single-spaced.
  • English: printed in capitalising each word, bolded, using Times New Roman font, size 12, and single-spaced



The author's name is written under the title section without any salutation or academic title; without starting with "by"; may not be shortened; begin with a capital letter; starts with the first author, followed by the second, third and so on; accompanied by the email address and institution. The author's name and institution are written in Times New Roman, font size 11, whereas the email address is in font 10. 


The abstract is written in Bahasa Indonesian and English, consists of 200-250 words; in a single space, and describes the article's problem, method, and conclusion. The abstract term is written in bold. The abstract body s written in Times New Roman, font size 10, justified text (distributed evenly between the margins), one paragraph, and indenting (indent) at the beginning of the sentence.


The keywords are written in Bahasa Indonesia and English (each consisting of 3-5 words), which are the main idea in the abstract. Keywords are written in bold.


The introduction is written in Bahasa Indonesia using Times New Roman, font size 12. It contains facts that motivate or inspire community service activity actualisation, which may consist of factual and actual data on community problems, challenges, or needs. Describe the issue or basic needs in the community related to the target program and efforts that other parties have made. Write this section in short, concise, and clear sentences, which include the community service objective written at the end of the section.


Explain and describe:

  1. Describe the methods used to solve problems or challenges.
  2. Data Collection Techniques
  3. Data Analysis Techniques
  4. Location, time and duration of activities

The method is written in Bahasa Indonesia using Times New Roman, font size 12.


Explain and explain about:

  1. Terminology or model (for services, new skills, and socio-cultural engineering), dimensions, and specifications (for goods/equipment) that become the main output or focus of activities used as solutions provided to the community, both directly and indirectly.
  2. Documentation is relevant to services or goods outside the main focus of community service activities (photos, tables, graphs, charts, pictures, etc.).
  3. activities strengths and weaknesses of the outcome or primary focus of the appeal activity can be seen from its suitability with the community's condition at the community's location of the community service activities.
  4. Difficulty in implementing training, education, and advocacy, as well as the production of goods and opportunities.


The results and discussion are written in Bahasa Indonesia using Times New Roman, font size 12. Mathematical formulas are written with Microsoft Equation or other similar applications and are numbered as in the following example. Tables are numbered in the order of presentation (Table 1, etc.), without right or left borders. The table title is written at the top of the table with a centre-justified position. Pictures are numbered in the order in which they are presented (Fig.1, etc.). The image’s title is placed under the image in the centre position (centre justified).


Explain and describe the outcome related to:

  1. Answer the community activities’ purpose.
  2. Expressing the appropriateness or appropriateness of the problem/need and agreed need/challenge with the method applied.
  3. Expressing the impression and benefits of the activity.
  4. Provide recommendations for other related community service activities.

The conclusions and recommendations are written in Bahasa Indonesia using Times New Roman, font size 12. Should not use sub-titles or numbering, convey conclusions in paragraphs and avoid using statistical data.


All acknowledgements (if any) should be included at the end of the paper before the references and may include supporting grants, presentations, and so forth. The acknowledgments are written in Bahasa Indonesia using Times New Roman, font size 12.


All the references used in the article must be listed in this part. In this part, all the references must be taken from primary sources (scientific journals and the least number is 70% of all the references) published in the last ten years. Each article should have at least ten references. JHI's bibliography style uses American Psychological Association (APA) style. It is recommended that the writing of the script and citations referred to in this manuscript use a reference manager such as Mendeley, Zotero, RefWorks, Endnote and others. The references are written in Bahasa Indonesia using Times New Roman, font size 12.